Learning is like nature.
It is unpredictable, surprising, challenging, and often chaotic.
Like the wind, it can move gently or storm through the rooms, loud and boisterous, carrying with it the seeds of new thoughts and ideas. They swirl and sail around us, looking for places to take root and grow.
At Pacific Sage, we believe learning is collaborative, socially constructed, and shared as a story or narrative. Learning is built on relationships…relationships between the children, with a rich environment, and the adults who make up the third side of a balanced triangle.
Keeping that in mind, we see ourselves as Early Childhood Collaborators and Companions working with your child to develop strong language and social skills…remain curious, and become an active, expressive, and important part of our learning community.
We are excited and look forward to learning with your child.
Pacific Sage Preschool Collaborators and companions
Director/Master Teacher
Sylvia Velásquez Lawrence
Perla Aguila
Aster Woldemariam
Tammi Kobayashi
Victoria Hernandez
Azalea Perez
Mossamad Sufia Begum
Eunice Ferreira-Storr
““If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” ”