Prospective Families — Pacific Sage Preschool
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. — Carl Sagan


Thank you for your interest in Pacific Sage Preschool.

Pacific Sage is a year-round Reggio-inspired program for children ages 3 - 5. Our mixed-ages, open classroom philosophy and child-directed curriculum allow children to join us at any time as space permits.

Children can tour when they are close to their eligibility age which is 3-5 years old. These tours are really a play-date for them, so please plan on staying long enough for your child to feel comfortable about exploring and interacting with the friends, materials and environment. The extra time will give you an opportunity to see…and feel… if Pacific Sage would be a good fit for your child, and your family.

We do not have specific days or times set aside for tours. You and your child are welcome to schedule a visit when you have time and the opportunity. Mornings are best between the hours of 9:30 -11 am. This will give both of you an idea of the rhythm and pace of the program. We have a "grazing snack” which begins at 9:00 am, and visiting friends are always welcome to join us.

Please call (424) 241-0308 or email us at to schedule a play-date/tour for you and your child. We look forward to meeting you.
